Learned optimism martin
Learned optimism martin

Inculcating optimism, no matter how difficult it may seem, is a prime focus of contemporary person-centered psychotherapy. Optimism is essentially a mindset – the way we shape our thoughts and choose to attend to them decides how positively we can address our troubles. On the other hand, A gets emotionally stuck and fails to foresee any good things that might ever happen to them after this.Ĭlearly, in this instance, B is more optimistic than A, even though they are undergoing similar circumstances in life. However, B decides to focus on their career and tries to move on in life. The emotional turmoil has completely shattered both these people equally. Both of them are undergoing stressful separations from their respective long-term marital relationships. Consider the following example:Ī and B are two individuals of the same age and background. Optimism is all about how we perceive things. It is a personality pattern that displays resilience and personal strength.

learned optimism martin learned optimism martin

The word “optimism” comes from the Latin word optimum, meaning “the best.” In psychology, optimism or dispositional optimism is a set of beliefs and traits that help individuals reflect on the positive aspects of life rather than the negative ones. Optimists have a built-in attitude to be hopeful and consider the possibilities of good things happening in life. A popular metaphor to explain optimism is the concept of ”glass half full.”

Learned optimism martin